First signs of menopause?- How can we smile through it?

Many people confuse menopause with perimenopause. We are going to look at the three stages namely: perimenopause, menopause and post menopause. We will also discuss the menopause age, menopause symptoms and management tips as well as menopause treatment.

Perimenopause – is the stage when a woman begins to transition into menopause. It is the interval in which a woman’s body begins making the natural shift from more-or-less regular cycles of ovulation and menstruation toward permanent infertility, or menopause.

Menopause – Doctors will determine that you’ve reached menopause when you haven’t had a period for 12 consecutive months. After that, you will enter the postmenopausal stage.Menopause is the transition period in a woman’s life when her ovaries stop producing eggs. Her body produces less oestrogen and progesterone, and menstruation becomes less frequent, eventually stopping altogether. 

Post menopause – This is the period of time after a woman has not bled for an entire year (the rest of your life after going through menopause). During this stage, menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, may ease for many women. However, some women continue to experience menopausal symptoms for a decade or longer after the menopause transition.

Peri menopause phase – what are the symptoms and management tips that can help?

We are giving more importance on this phase because it’s during perimenopause (months or years before menopause occurs) that the main side effects happen. During perimenopause, your body begins to make less oestrogen. This continues until the last one or two years of perimenopause when your hormone levels drop rapidly.

In perimenopause, there is still a slight chance you could become pregnant. So if you’d rather not go down that road, birth control is recommended until one year after your last period. 

Women start perimenopause at different ages, sometimes up to 10 years before you enter menopause. In your 40s, or even as early as your 30s, you may start noticing the signs. Your periods may become irregular — longer, shorter, heavier or lighter, sometimes more and sometimes less than 28 days apart. You may also experience menopause-like symptoms, such as hot flashes, sleep problems and vaginal dryness.

Major symptoms

The most common symptoms of the peri-menopausal phase that can have a significant impact on some women include:

hot flushes – also known as hot flashes, are short, sudden feelings of heat, usually in the face, neck and chest, which can make your skin red and sweaty. Researchers found  that black women and women of average weight experience hot flashes for a longer period than white women and women who are considered overweight.

night sweats – hot flushes that occur at night

difficulty sleeping – this may make you feel tired and irritable during the day

a reduced sex drive (libido)

problems with memory and concentration

vaginal dryness and pain, itching or discomfort during sex


mood changes, such as low mood or anxiety

palpitations – heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable

joint stiffness, aches and pains

reduced muscle mass

recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

About 8 in every 10 women will have additional symptoms for some time before and after their periods stop.

Other symptoms of perimenopause can include:

breast tenderness

heavier or lighter periods

worsening premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

dry skin, eyes, or mouth

focus and memory issues

hair loss or thinning

weight gain

Menopause can also increase your risk of developing certain other problems, such as weak bones (osteoporosis)

Treatments for menopause symptoms

1. Medical advice

Your gynaecologist can offer treatments and suggest lifestyle changes if you have severe menopausal symptoms that interfere with your day-to-day life.

These include:

hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – tablets, skin patches, gels and implants that relieve menopausal symptoms by replacing oestrogen

vaginal oestrogen creams, lubricants or moisturisers for vaginal dryness

cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – a type of talking therapy that can help with low mood and anxiety

eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. Maintaining a healthy weight and staying fit and strong can improve some menopausal symptoms

2. Remedies for hot flushes and night sweats

Hot flashes vary in their intensity and can be followed by sweating and/or chills. Night sweats, waking up drenched in sweat a night, may also occur during hot flashes. Hot flashes may last up to 10 years, but 80% of women will not have any hot flashes after five years. The exact cause of hot flashes is unknown, but they are most likely linked to the hormonal and biochemical changes brought on by decreasing estrogen levels.

If you experience hot flushes and night sweats as a result of the menopause, simple measures may sometimes help, such as:

wearing light clothing

keeping your bedroom cool at night

taking a cool shower, using a fan or having a cold drink

trying to reduce your stress levels

avoiding potential triggers, such as spicy food, caffeine, smoking and alcohol

taking regular exercise and losing weight if you’re overweight

3. How to deal with sleep problems 

Try these options to avoid sleep problems:

Avoid large meals, smoking, coffee, or caffeine after noon.

Avoid napping during the day.

Avoid exercise or alcohol close to bedtime.

Drink warm milk or warm caffeine-free tea before bed.

Sleep in a dark, quiet, and cool room.

4. Remedies for mood changes

Some women experience mood swings, low mood and anxiety around the time of the menopause.

Self-help measures such as getting plenty of rest, taking regular exercise and doing relaxing activities such as yoga and tai chi may help. Medication and other treatments are also available, including HRT and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

5. Vaginal dryness and discomfort

If your vagina becomes dry, painful or itchy as a result of the menopause, your GP can prescribe oestrogen treatment that’s put directly into your vagina as a pessary, cream or vaginal ring. You can also use over-the-counter vaginal moisturisers or lubricants in addition to, or instead of, vaginal oestrogen.

6. Supplements that help with menopause symptoms

Red Clover complex

Our red clover complex contains the best of the well known extracts that help with menopausal symptoms: Red clover complex with sage,siberian ginseng and liquorice

Lets have a look at the individual components that make it so effective:

Red Clover – Red Clover contains 4 Isoflavones, giving it ‘phyto-oestrogenic’ properties. Phyto-oestrogens are thought to mimic human oestrogen and has been shown to relieve common menopausal problems such as hot flushes, sweating, nervousness, irritability, insomnia and vaginal dryness.

Liquorice –  It helps the body to adapt if stressed, maintains natural sleep patterns and moderates the effects of fluctuating oestrogen levels. In addition, liquorice contains several isoflavonoids. Isoflavones are thought to protect against narrowing of the arteries in postmenopausal women and to reduce cholesterol levels.

Siberian Ginseng – Siberian Ginseng has been shown to maintain high levels of performance under conditions of mental and physical stress. It has long been used to boost energy reserves when they are flagging or to improve stamina when demands are high. The effect is apparent as soon as 30 minutes after taking.

Siberian Ginseng also exhibits powerful anti-oxidant activity, which is thought to help protect the body during high physical demand. It appears to moderate the release of energy-rich chemicals in response to stress hormones, resulting in a prolonged energy supply rather than a short sharp burst followed by exhaustion.

Sage – Sage is traditionally used to treat symptoms of menopause, especially hot flushes and excess sweating.

You can purchase Red clover complex with sage,Siberian ginseng and liquorice at our Shop at the most affordable price in the market!

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Red clover complex: Menopause symptoms and management tips
Sh 2,300
Special Precautions & Warnings:

Red clover is SAFE for most people when used in the amounts found in food. It is SAFE when used in medicinal amounts by mouth or applied to the skin.

Red clover can cause mild effects for some people, like rash-like reactions, muscle ache and nausea.

This product contains liquorice.  You should not take liquorice products if you have high blood pressure (hypertension) or are taking high blood pressure medication. 

Pregnancy and breast-feeding:  Red clover acts like oestrogen and might disturb important hormone balances during pregnancy or breast-feeding. Don’t use it.

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Red clover might act like oestrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to oestrogen, don’t use red clover.

Surgery: Red clover might slow blood clotting. It might increase the chance of extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop taking red clover at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


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