Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes, all our supplements, including Collagen Peptides and Magnesium Supplements, are natural, safe, and high-quality.

Food supplements like Collagen Peptides can support joint health by providing essential nutrients that promote flexibility and reduce pain.

Our products are sourced from various well known brands in Europe, especially Spain and United Kingdom. They have European quality certifications and are also best selling (meaning that clients are happy with what they are getting.

Absolutely, we have a range of nutritional supplements specifically designed to help with osteoarthritis relief and overall wellness.

This depends on an individual. It ranges from a few days for some people to 2 months for others. It’s important however, that you are patient and consistent in taking them so as to realize the full benefits.

Yes and No. Our bodies requires various nutrients to function properly. Food supplements are supposed to provide your body with the nutrients its lacking or cant produce enough of. After taking supplements and recovering, it would be approrpiate to take them once in a while (not necessarily always) so as to avoid falling back into deficiency.

Do You Have Specific Questions?

Use the form below to ask any question or concerns you may have.

We have a blog that is outlining various conditions, remedies and specific food supplements that can help reverse them or alleviate their symptoms. Kindly go through it or contact us via whatsapp or our contact form for more guidance.

Most of our products are safe to use. However, there are populations who require doctor’s approval before taking supplements. The contraindications/warnings are well outlined in the ‘details’ section of every product in our Shop

All confirmed orders are dispatched on the same day. The ones to be delivered outside Nairobi, arrive to the clients on the day after through Wells Fargo courier company. Payment on delivery option is available.

Our products are not on pharmacy shelves at the moment. However, you can buy them through your favorite or most convinient online store(This site’s shop, Jumia, Skygarden, smartduka, among others). Any of them will deliver your order to a designated pick up location of your choice, or directly at your doorstep.