Supplements for herniated or bulging discs

Are there supplements that can help with the healing of herniated or bulging discs?

These are also known as ruptured discs. Let’s learn a bit about discs and how they contribute to our day to day movement.

Discs act as cushions between the vertebrae in your spine. It may help to think of them as miniature jelly doughnuts, exactly the right size to fit between your vertebrae. Each disc has two parts: a soft, gelatinous inner cartilage and a tough outer cartilage ring.

Herniated/Slipped/Prolapsed disc

Injury or weakness can cause the inner portion of the disc to protrude through the outer ring. This is known as a slipped, herniated, or prolapsed disc. This causes pain and discomfort. If the slipped disc compresses one of your spinal nerves, you may also experience numbness and pain along the affected nerve.

In most cases, if a disc herniates and leaks some of its gel-like inner material, the disc can quickly go from easing daily life to aggravating a nerve. This may trigger back pain, and possibly pain and nerve symptoms down the leg, burning sensation and numbness, among other symptoms. This conditon is otherwise knows as sciatica. The nerve affected, that runs down each leg, called the sciatic nerve.

Bulging discs

Discs also show signs of wear and tear with age. Over time, discs dehydrate and their cartilage stiffens. This process known as disc degeneration, starts fairly early in life and progresses with age. These changes can cause the outer layer of the disc to bulge out fairly evenly all the way around its circumference, so it looks a little like a hamburger that’s too big for its bun.

A bulging disk doesn’t always affect the entire perimeter of a disk, but at least a quarter if not half of the disk’s circumference is usually affected. Only the outer layer of tough cartilage is involved.

Treatment of sciatic nerve pain
Illustration: Disc disorders

Symptoms of herniated/bulging/or slipped discs

  • pain and numbness, most commonly on one side of the body
  • pain that extends to your arms or legs
  • pain that worsens at night or with certain movements
  • pain that worsens after standing or sitting
  • pain when walking short distances
  • unexplained muscle weakness
  • tingling, aching, or burning sensations in the affected area

Risk Factors for Lumbar Herniated Disc

Factors that may add to the risk of developing a lumbar herniated disc include:

  • Age. The most common risk factor is being between the ages of 35 and 50. The condition rarely causes symptoms after age 80.
  • Gender. Men have roughly twice the risk for lumbar herniated discs compared with women.
  • Physically demanding work. Jobs that require heavy lifting and other physical labor have been linked to a greater risk of developing a lumbar herniated disc. Pulling, pushing, and twisting actions can add to risk if they’re done repeatedly.

So what can you do about it?

Are you experiencing some, or the majority of the symptoms outlined above?

A herniated disc will heal on its own over time with patience and the right treatment plan. 

Lets look at some remedies:

  • Deep Tissue Massage: Deep tissue massage is an ideal option for physiotherapy  if you have a herniated disc because it uses a great deal of pressure to relieve deep muscle tension and spasms, which develop to prevent muscle motion at the affected area.

  • Physiotherapy – This plays a major role in attempting to ease the discs back into their original positions.

  • Certain sleep positions help relieve herniated disc pain – Pain from a lumbar herniated disc can worsen during the night. You may find comfort sleeping in a position that relieves pressure from the spine. A couple good options include:
  1. Use a pillow under your knees to help relieve tension in the lower back, if you are sleeping on your back.
  2. Lie on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine straight and hips balanced.
  • Moderate physical activity releases endorphins – While it may seem counterintuitive, staying active can provide pain relief if you have a lumbar herniated disc. When you exercise the body releases endorphins, which can naturally improve your mood3 and reduce the perception of pain.
  •  Heat and cold therapy can help relieve muscle tension and pain – Applying heat and/or cold therapy to the lower back can alleviate muscle tension that is commonly present with a lumbar herniated disc. Heat helps loosen the muscle tightness that causes spasms, increases blood flow, and improves elasticity of connective tissue. Cold decreases the local tissue temperature which produces  an anti-inflammatory effect, thus reducing pain.

And lastly………

The best combination of food supplements for herniated or bulging discs

The combination of collagen and glucosamine supplements has been found to be very effective when it comes to repairing or regenerating worn out, damaged or herniated discs of the back. They are taken together for best results. How so?

Collagen with Magnesium supplement

The discs of the back are mainly composed of collagen. Our bodies produce collagen naturally and are able to regenerate worn out areas. As we age, we produce less and less collagen and this leaves the discs prone so damage and degeneration.

Taking a collagen supplement gives your body a fighting chance. It helps to restart the repair process, gradually bringing the disc back to health. Some individuals will just need the boost once and their body will start producing it like it should, while others will need to take the supplement from time to time for maintenance.

Glucosamine Chondroitin supplement

Glucosamine and chondroitin protect cells called chondrocytes, which help maintain cartilage structure. These supplements  slow cartilage deterioration in the joints, and reduce pain in the process. 

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates are substances that occur naturally in the body. They have anti-inflammatory properties. They also have some cartilage-protecting effects through a variety of different mechanisms.

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