Degenerative arthritis/Osteoarthritis/ Degenerative disc disease

Are your joints or back giving you sleepless nights? Not anymore!

If you have been diagnosed with a degenerative condition ( wear and tear of cartilage in the joints or degeneration of the discs of the back), or you suspect that this is what’s causing you so much pain in your joints, this is the place to be.

What is degenerative disc disease(DDD)?

The most common cause of back/neck pain is degeneration of the discs. Lower back (Lumbar spine) pain may radiate into the buttock, hip and thighs when nerves are involved while the upper back (cervical spine) pain, radiates to the shoulder blades.

Degenerative disease is an age related condition resulting from wear and tear of the discs over time. The discs act as shock absorbers between the bones of our spine and are designed to help the back stay flexible while we change positions or are in motion.

When the discs are damaged, the resulting pain gets worse during periods of inactivity like when sitting or standing for a long time, and also when bending or twisting. It tends to get better when walking or running. Extreme pain, numbeness and tingling may come and go for a few days or months.

Understanding Osteoarthritis(OA)

Also called degenerative arthritis/ wear and tear Arthritis

This is the most common form of arthritis and it can affect any joint, mostly hands, hip, lower back and knees. OA occurs when the smooth cushion between the bones (cartilage), breaks down gradually, leading to friction between the bones, pain, grating sensation, limited range of motion, swelling, among other symptoms.

Some risk factors that may contribute to OA include age, where the most affected are above the age of 40 years, genetics, where people with a family history of OA are likely to develop it as well, injury, gender, where OA is more prevalent among women than men, overuse of joints and obesity.

Osteoarthritis worsens gradually especially if nothing is done about it.

What can you do about it?

Have you been diagnosed with this a degenerative disease of the joints or back, or you suspect that it’s creeping in on you? Don’t wait for it to cripple you. Mild cases are easier to reverse while it’s still early.

There are various things that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to make this possible. Some of those may include:

  • Exercising to strengthen the muscles around the affected joint, providing it with greater support and helping it stay healthy.
  • Weight loss for those who are overweight, is one thing you can do to improve symptoms and even slow progression.
  • Massage therapy/Physiotherapy can stimulate blood flow and make a stressed area become more warm and relaxed.
  • Eating anti- inflammatory foods like whole grains, fish and other healthy fats. Turmeric with black pepper is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory as well.
  • Taking food supplements that help to build back the cartilage and discs

Food supplements? ‘Where do i even start?’ you may ask

The most effective food supplements for osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease so far, are collagen with Magnesium, and Glucosamine Chondroitin.

Patients start to notice significant improvement within 2 to 3 weeks of taking the supplements. You could be one of them.

Collagen with Magnesium

Our joint cartilage is primarily composed of collagen. As we age, we produce less and less of the collagen and wear and tear sets in. By boosting your collagen levels, your body is capable of repairing the wear and tear and restoring your joint to it’s healthy state naturally.

Collagen is a natural product extracted from a natural steaming process of cow bone and skin. No side effects. Other benefits that we derive from taking collagen include improving the elacticity of skin, maintaining gut health and strong hair and nails.

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Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Glucosamine sulphate and Chondroitin are naturally occuring compounds in the joint cartilage. It is therefore an important component as well when building back the worn out cartilage and discs of the back.

Patients who combine glucosamine Chondroitin with Collagen supplements show more impressive results in terms of recovery time as compared to those who are taking Collagen alone. This is the case especially for patients who are at the moderate to severe stage of Osteoarthritis, and those with knee Osteoarthritis.

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Or Call/Whatsapp 0728091400 for more details

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What People Say About Us

Eva King’ang’i 

My mom was a victim of osteoarthritis of the fingers. They were stiff and painful. Steroids only worked for a short time. In less than a month of taking collagen with magnesium, she recovered. 4 years down, she is doing great!

Sharon Wandia 

My mum could hardly walk and her fingers were swollen and had pain that made her develop high blood pressure. I am lucky to have discovered Collagen now 4 months no pain she can do all sorts of chaos and her legs and hands no longer in pain. Evangeline you are a blessing and my mum is healed. I would recommend collagen anytime.


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